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पर्यटकों के लिए खुला एशिया का सबसे बड़ा ट्यूलिप गार्डन, पहले ही दिन पहुंचे हजारों लोग - देखें खूबसूरत तस्वीरें

पर्यटकों के लिए खुला एशिया का सबसे बड़ा ट्यूलिप गार्डन, पहले ही दिन पहुंचे हजारों लोग - देखें खूबसूरत तस्वीरें

डल झील के किनारे ज़बरवान पहाड़ियों की गोद में स्थित एशिया के सबसे बड़े ट्यूलिप गार्डन का बुधवार 23 मार्च को उद्धघाटन किया गया. अब ये खूबसूरत ट्यूलिप गार्डन पर्यटकों और आम जनता के लिए खोल दिया गया है. जिसके बाद पहले ही दिन काफी संख्या में पर्यटकों ने यहां के अनोखे नज़ारों का लुत्फ उठाया. 35 हेक्टेयर क्षेत्र मे...

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Honeymoon Destinations: बजट में हनीमून सेलिब्रेट करने के लिए बेस्ट भारत की ये 10 खूबसूरत जगहें

Honeymoon Destinations: बजट में हनीमून सेलिब्रेट करने के लिए बेस्ट भारत की ये 10 खूबसूरत जगहें

शादीशुदा कपल के लिए हनीमून की प्लानिंग कभी आसान नहीं होती. कोरोना के दौर में तो एक अच्छी और सुरक्षित डेस्टिनेशन ढूंढना और भी मुश्किल हो गया है. इन दिनों लोग मालदीव और थाईलैंड जैसी खूबसूरत जगहों पर ज्यादा जा रहे हैं. लेकिन जरा सोचिए, अगर आपको देश के भीतर ही कोई खूबसूरत जगह मिल जाए तो इतनी दूर जाकर पैसा और समय क...

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Best 10 Romantic Places In India For Couples Celebrations, Budget Trip In 2021

Best 10 Romantic Places In India For Couples Celebrations, Budget Trip In 2021

Due to the Corona epidemic, in the year 2020, people were forced to remain imprisoned in homes. But now as soon as possible, people can turn to their favorite tourist destination Kashmir - Kashmir is called heaven on earth. The idea of romancing a partner on Valentine's Day amidst the white snow-covered Kashmir Valley Ooty, Tamil Nadu - Ooty is a very romantic hill station famous for its natural beauty. Ooty is also called the 'queen of mountains'.   Kumarakom, Kerala - Kumarakom is a small and beautiful city located in Kerala. This small city of Kerala is one of the most romantic places in India. Khajjiar, Himachal Pradesh - Khajjiar, located in Himachal Pradesh, is called the small Switzerland of India. If you want to get away from the noise of...

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Kashmir Avalanche Warning: Icy Storm Alert In Kashmir, Life Stopped, Flight Service Stopped

Kashmir Avalanche Warning: Icy Storm Alert In Kashmir, Life Stopped, Flight Service Stopped

Snowfall in Jammu and Kashmir has been causing trouble for the people for the last four days. The Jammu and Kashmir Disaster Management Authority has issued Avalanche Warning in several high altitude areas including Poonch, Rajouri, Ramban, Doda and Bandipora. Avalanche alert, advice people not to get out of homes People living in avalanche potential areas have been advised not to go out of their homes by the Jammu and Kashmir Disaster Management Authority (DMA) after warning of an icy storm. Also, 22 families living in the higher areas of Kulgam have been shifted to safe places so far. Please tell that there is an alert of heavy snowfall in the upper areas of Udhampur, Baramula, Sonmarg-Jojila and Gulmarg. Snow cover at the airport, many flights canceled Traffic in Srinagar airpor...

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Gulmarg Hotels Booked To Brim As Tourists Return To Kashmir

Gulmarg Hotels Booked To Brim As Tourists Return To Kashmir

Kashmirs famous tourist resorts and hill stations, particularly Gulmarg and Pahalgam, are receiving a huge rush of visitors this winter as almost all the huts and hotels have been booked for the next several weeks. Like scores of huts and hotels, the high-end Khyber Resort and Spa at Gulmarg is fully sold out till the middle of January 2021. “I have been shuttling between my office and Khyber in search of a room for our tourism advisor who is scheduled to attend an important event here on 31 December. I have completely failed as they don’t have a single room unsold”, Dr Javed-ur-Rehman, Assistant Director Tourism said. He said 700 to 800 tourists come into Gulmarg every day. They include 200-300 visitors from all over India while around 500 local visitors also enjoy...

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10 Places In India To See Snowfall In December And January

10 Places In India To See Snowfall In December And January

Winter is here and it is the best time of the year, indeed, even if it's 2020. With the coronavirus, numerous cyclones, blasts and explosions apart from other natural calamities, 2020, in all probability, is the worst year for human civilisation (at least for this generation). But you can just about afford to celebrate because this year is almost done with. So, how do you wish to celebrate the end of 2020? We can help you with an idea. You can just set off on a short trip to the hills and enjoy a cup of chai while enjoying the scenic view of the mountains. In fact, you can also make a snowman and play with white flakes amid the snow-capped mountains. In this article, we list 10 places in India that you can head to to enjoy the snowfall and picturesque locations in December or eve...

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5 Important Tips To Enjoy Holidays With Family

5 Important Tips To Enjoy Holidays With Family

Generally, it happens that after returning from a long holiday vacation, we are not interested to do anything on arriving home. We maybe not interested in our daily basis work at home. The idea of ​​coming back to life after returning from vacation seems like a nightmare. This happens because our lifestyle completely changes, from the everyday lifestyle during the journey After the holidays, we have brought 5 tips for you to avoid this problem, which can save you from such type of troubles. Some of the special tips are as follows:- 1. Do Shopping Before Going Holidays Bring important food items and other required items at home before going on a long holiday tip so that when you come back from holiday vacation you do not have to go to the market immediately. If you do not have tim...

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Top 10 All Time Tourist Favourits Tourist Destination Of India

Top 10 All Time Tourist Favourits Tourist Destination Of India

Natural beauty is spread in every corner of our country and people of every country of the world visit here every year to see this natural beauty. Although every state and place of India is rich in its history, beauty, and food, there are some tourist places here which are always evergreen and whole year crowded. These tourist places attract tourists and the craze to roam them is never over. You can also find out about the madness of these tourist places from the fact that on Google search they are always successful in making a place in the top ten of the country. 1. Udaipur(Royal City): Udaipur, the city of royal brilliance and lakes always attract tourists due to its grandeur and royal style. The attraction of the palace and Rajasthani food compel tourists to come here again and again...

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Srinagar Jammu Highway Closure Brings Endless Miseries For Kashmiris

Srinagar Jammu Highway Closure Brings Endless Miseries For Kashmiris

With the closure of Jammu-Srinagar highway, the life-line for Kashmir, people of ill-fated valley are today cursing all the previous regimes for failing to find out and open alternate routes to ensure enough supply of essentials in winter. The government tacitly admits that Mughal road should have been thrown open for traffic for being an all-weather route while as direct train services from Jammu to Srinagar should have been an old affair but due to "technical glitches" Kashmir continues to suffer. Since January this year, the Srinagar-Jammu highway remained closed for the both way traffic for 28 times due to landslides and shooting stones at various vulnerable points like Panthal, Ramban and Ramsoo. Divisional commissioner Kashmir Baseer Khan admits that people are fac...

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Valley Cut Off By Air, Road From Outside World Heavy Snowfall Throws Life Out Of Gear

Valley Cut Off By Air, Road From Outside World Heavy Snowfall Throws Life Out Of Gear

SRINAGAR, Feb 7: A major snowfall occurred in Kashmir today throwing normal life out of gear. Valley remained cut off from outside world as Srinagar-Jammu highway was closed for the second consecutive day and all flights were cancelled at the airport here due to snowfall and poor visibility. The snowfall was moderate in plain areas, while it was moderate to heavy in upper reaches. Five centimetres of snow was recorded in Kashmir capital, Srinagar while in other parts particularly in north Kashmir it snowed heavily. A MeT official told media that 23 centimetre snow has been recorded in Banihal, 31 cm in Kokernag, 24 cm in Pahalgam. Similar reports of light to heavy snowfall were reported from all the major district headquarters of the valley. Because of the snowbound and slippery road...

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